2022 KIAC

Individual comment

Takayuki Fukada (Japan)
The production of a deep natural view like a forest that has existed since ancient times is unbelievably wonderful. The contrast between the large driftwood in the foreground and the thin driftwood in the background is perfect and the layout as a whole can also be evaluated as a clear distinction between areas where driftwood is dense and space. The red stem plants added later in the foreground looks a little bit strange so it is better to show it partially in the background.

Alberto Farinello (Italy)
This tank struck me in particular for the care and ability to prepare the hardscape, for the proportions and depth. It has a strong natural feeling and you can't stop looking for the infinite details. I love the shaded areas which give a melancholy and dramatic atmosphere. The fish integrate perfectly into the tank by finding places to hide and swim. Not finding any particular difficulty in maintenance makes this tank an excellent example of long term aquascape. I also appreciated the cleanliness, order and the skilful choice of plants and mosses. Photography is also successful and through the use of lights, the aquascaper has managed to emphasize the focal point even more. It makes you want to take a walk and find out what lies beyond.

Ismael Aguilar (Spain)
Excellent forest. We could well be seeing a reflection of what a temperate forest would be like, where the abundant trees are covered by a blanket of moss. I think a higher, less open vanishing point would have made it stand out more. Good balance of light and shadow. I see certain areas that I am not sure if they are algae or cladophora, still excellent work. Congratulations.

Selcuk Durmaz(Türkiye)
The left part is much better and natural, but the right part seems to have created a bit more confusion. I'm sure it would be much better if straight stems were used. The shadows are very well reflected. The photographic quality is very good and the healthy plants are very well reflected. 

Agussalim jamaluddin (Indonesia)
Only a true aquascaper can create a layout like this. Hardscape detailing is already very good, it's just that the neatness of the plants is more concerned, moss that is trimmed more often will be neater.

Fabian Kussakawa (Brazil)

Great job with the hardscape. The layering of mosses and plants made the layout look like a mystical forest. The fish could be better positioned to give more impact to the final photograph. The foreground could be more defined with stones of different scales. However, a great job done.

Hyoungjoo Jeon (Korea)
I could feel the magical forest like the title. Not only does it seem to have invested heavily in hardscapes, but the drift of wood on the left and right is natural, and the detail is excellent. In addition, the aquatic plants are at their best. Congratulations on your excellent work.

Hugo Liao (Taipei)
The method of creating long-range views is very good, making people wonder what the scenery will look like in the distance. In the whole structure, the details are also well handled, natural and not artificial, congratulations for this great creation.

Individual comment

Takayuki Fukada (Japan)
It is a very ambitious composition, the expressions of the branches hanging down from the top and the steep rocks are so interesting. The author's unique idea is amazing, but the details are a little bit rough so I think the white sand that extends from the center of the foreground to the back should be shown more clearly. Another point is that there are too many branches hanging from the rocks and it feels noisy, so it is necessary to have a part that shows the rocks surface.

Selcuk Durmaz (Türkiye)
Very good work Well planned and calculated piece by piece. The harmony of the preferred rocks and roots is quite successful. Only the stalactite root pieces used in the middle could have been a little more. Contrasted and shaded open areas are very well reflected. Congratulations. I liked the plant selection and planting style used in the foreground. On the other hand, speaking of plants, I found this placement quite successful. The fish selection could have been a different species for this tank. .And it would have been a better photo if the school of fish had been in the middle and had been taken close to the water surface. Photography is as if it were a minor misfortune. Thanks for your hard work.

Agussalim jamaluddin(Indonesia)
Great Layout with much detailing roots. the stemplant on the back should be shown for better color. there is a small amount of moss affected by algae, montecarlo bad triming or immature. But overall good looking and I like the layout.

Ismael Aguilar (Spain)
Magnificent work, in which I highlight the good balance between the hardscape and the planted, with which we could discuss at length about what style we would classify it in, and that is a good thing. Both concepts are of a high standard and create a very natural landscape, with a very open central area and a very bright vanishing point. The wood and rock work is very good, correctly integrated, without creating overloaded areas and light and shadow are formed in a balanced way. The plantation is healthy, and the different species mix together, reinforcing the sensation of wild nature. I like the use of lilaeopsis in the arena creating different groups. Congratulations.

Fabian Kussakawa (Brazil)
I enjoyed the hardscape with the dragon stones. Good depth and well defined shadows. The caveat is in the foreground that could have more details and more work. However, the clean concept gave it more impact. Congratulations. 

Hyoungjoo Jeon (Korea)
The combination of rocks and driftwoods is excellent, and the flow of small driftwoods is also expressed naturally. The reflection of the surface on the left and right sides of the work is very good, and the margin in the center is not too much, and the shading is well balanced. I wish the fish schooling would be better represented, but it must be a great work.

Hugo Liao (Taipei)
The whole picture is very harmonious, natural rather than chaotic. From the natural structure of the water plants from the near and far to the close-up, the wood combined picture presents a pleasing and respectful picture. This is a very good variety of works.

Individual comment

Takayuki Fukada (Japan)
Although it has an orthodox composition, the arrangement of driftwood and planting are carefully calculated and the production of a sense of nature is outstanding compared to other works. In addition to the color tone of the lighting like the evening, the sense of scale of the fish in relation to the size of the tank is appropriate and it seems that a part of the actual under water has been cut out. The only thing that bothers me is that the arched space in the background made of stem plants feels a little artificial. In this area, it is better to show the space without forcibly bundling the stem plants into an arch.

Selcuk Durmaz(Türkiye)
The design has a pulling power, I think it's because of the photo made with yellow tone light. It looks like it reflects the sunrise, but I couldn't decide if it was a good choice. But overall, I agree that this is an interesting job. I'm sure it would be very nice if there was only one fish option and a school of fish was photographed in the middle.Thanks for your hard work.

Fabian Kussakawa (Brazil)
Very cool atmosphere made of well-crafted penumbra. Fauna is subtle but well placed. The focal point was not so well defined. The hydrocotyles on the right drew a bit too much attention. Congratulations on the layout.

Jaesun Cho (Korea)
It's the highest score among the works I've ever. The color of the artist's personality and everything is perfect, and it's a work that deserves to win first place. It feels like even a small branch is finely arranged, and the use of lighting is also wonderful. Thank you for your wonderful work.

Ismael Aguilar (Spain)
Great work. Although the work itself attracts attention, it is more the details that would make this work stand out. How the plants interact with each other and how they are integrated into the hardscape would be what stands out the most, but perhaps a little more pruning would not have hurt because it is sensed that there is excellent wood work that hardly shines. The vanishing point is the best I've seen in the contest, but the general warm tone of the photo I think has not been good for it. Congratulations.

Alberto Farinello (Italy)
I particularly appreciated the multitude of plants used and the ability to place them in the best way respecting proportions and dimensions. The environment created is perfect for the fauna, creating various comfort zones. I love the focal point and the reflections on the surface. The tank appears to be in perfect condition even if it can still be a demanding task. The only drawback that did not make me lean towards the first place was the temperature of the light, too hot to my taste, had it been colder it would have certainly taken more points. Overall an excellent job. 

Hyoungjoo Jeon (Korea)
Unlike ordinary lighting, it creates a dreamy feeling with the atmosphere of the sun as it rises, which is the most contrasting element to other entries, and lighting alone cannot make it special, but it seems possible because it supports the state and composition of moss and aquatic plants. The location and schooling of the fish is a little bit unfortunate, but it must be a very great work.

Hugo Liao (Taipei)
The first impression of this work is not a very special composition. After careful inspection, I found that some species of aquatic plants do not often appear in the landscaping, but they can be integrated into the whole. The color matching of the aquatic plants is very good, like a painting. Congratulations, this is a great work.

Individual comment

Selcuk Durmaz (Türkiye)
A wonderful forest.The composition is very good. Reflections are good. The foreground could have been a different sand. Perfect shadows and very beautiful overall look natural and inviting.The natural state of the amazon forests is very well reflected.The stalactite root pieces used close to the water surface strengthened the design. fish selection and photography is fine.Thanks for your hard work. 

Ismael Aguilar (Spain)
Great work. A spectacular forest in which no element is missing to convey the feeling of seeing a real jungle. But the planted, shows signs of having had bad times. It must have been difficult to maintain that level of detail in the hardscape. Congratulations.

Agussalim jamaluddin(Indonesia)
When I First saw this work, I feel like in forest. The balance of woods and roots sizes makes this work very natural and spacious. depth and focal point to make it require high skill and high art.

Fabian Kussakawa (Brazil)
Focal point very well defined, however the final photograph needs more work. The fauna could be smaller and the quantity greater. The hardscape was harmonious but lacked to define more layers with shadows in the middle plane.

Hugo Liao (Taipei)
The details of the whole work are well handled, the deep distance and the depth of field are handled, giving people a feeling of a virgin forest.

Individual comment

Takayuki Fukada (Japan)
The three-dimensional composition, in which the driftwood is arranged very precisely is amazing. Above all, the skillful adjustment of the size of the driftwood creates a sense of depth from the front to the back which is a sight to behold. Furthermore, it would be perfect if there was more presence of fish because the fish are hidden in the shadow of the driftwood.

Ismael Aguilar (Spain)
Great work. A strong hardscape that has not stood out what it should because the choice of planting has perhaps not been the most appropriate. The main problem I see is that I don't see the details well, the photo lacks definition and also the bluish tone chosen does not favor it. Sometimes we must appreciate that it is one thing to use a screen to develop our plants and another for the day of the photo, because we run the risk of giving our final photo an artificial touch. Congratulations.

Fabian Kussakawa (Brazil)
The moment of the photo was spectacular. The caveat is in the photographic quality of the image. It needed to have a correct saturation and have more impact. Expressive hardscape work generating very good depth. Congratulations.

Jaesun Cho (Korea)
The depth of the competition tank seems to be getting deeper. However, there are many works that do not fully utilize the depth. On the other hand, this work was created as a wonderful work by using its depth well. Thank you for your wonderful work.

Hyoungjoo Jeon (Korea)
It is arranged according to the thickness and size of the tree, showing a well-calculated composition. However, there is a lack of detail, and there is a regret that the schooling of fish is in the dark. But the precise composition of driftwood is very good.

Individual comment

Selcuk Durmaz (Türkiye)
Great action and dynamic scenery!!! Depth sound is very well reflected. Natural wonderful atmosphere It conveys a somewhat dark, somewhat mysterious reality well. I think the contrast after photography was used a little too much and it was a bit difficult for me to check the health of the plants.Thanks for your hard work. 

Ismael Aguilar (Spain)
A good forest, with very good technical work in the hardscape that has its most striking point in the central part but lacks interest in the close-ups on the right and left. It is difficult for me to assess the planting correctly because the definition of the photo is terrible, and this should be something to correct for the next time.

Fabian Kussakawa (Brazil)
Wonderful reflection and depth. Fauna could have an even greater contrast. Be careful with the saturation and contrast in the rocks on the sides that have a different tone that don't accompany the rest of the hardscape. Still an excellent layout, congratulations aquascaper for the work.

Jaesun Cho (Korea)
It is a work that shows what we need to aim for by securing enough space for fish swimming. It's a pity that the details of the hardscape were covered by plants, but rather a dreamy atmosphere was created, making it a wonderful work.

Hyoungjoo Jeon (Korea)
It's a well-made painting of a forest, and it's not in a good state of aquatic plants compared to the level of the hardscape, and it also shows moss, which can lower the overall rating of the entry. Aquascape is based on aquatic plants, so the aquatic plants should always be kept at their best. 

Hugo Liao (Taipei)
In terms of the structure of the work, I like the valley along the river channel the most, which makes people want to have a glimpse. This allows me to see the author's creative work.

Individual comment

Selcuk Durmaz (Türkiye)
Symmetry is very well used. While the foreground is very good, there is confusion in the background, perhaps due to the preferred plant species. Perhaps the selection and positioning of red plants could have been improved. The photography is very very good, especially the position of the fish was photographed very well.Thanks for your hard work. 

Ismael Aguilar (Spain)
Great work. A classic nature, in which the different elements, shapes and colors are mixed, it could well seem that we are looking at a painting, but in which it is difficult to follow the transition of the different planes. A small opening at the end would give the landscape a breather and invite you to explore it with your eyes, there is plenty of urn to get more out of it, luckily the illuminated reflection of the surface compensates for this lack. Congratulations.

Agussalim jamaluddin (Indonesia)
Nice Layout with great schooling Fish. I really like the balance of the hardscape layout.

Fabian Kussakawa (Brazil)
Vibrant and refreshing. Contrasting colors helped with the impact along with the hardscape. The fauna was very well positioned and in the exact amount. My constructive criticism is in the high contrast of the plants close to the surface and in the maturation of the plants. I believe it lacked a texture of mosses along with the hemianthus that are on the trunks.

Individual comment

Ismael Aguilar (Spain)
Imposing montage with element transition that achieves depth in the montage, but it hasn't finished well. At the vanishing point, the use of plants has not been well valued, that red of the rotalas with the green of the vallisnerias...the rotalas were left over. The set looks very natural.

Agussalim jamaluddin (Indonesia)
Nice Driftwoods layout, drifwood selection fit for perspective. But the tank is too full, With big driftwood more shadow is better. the plants should be better maintained and pay attention to the golden moment for taking photos.

Jaesun Cho (Korea)
It's a powerful lay-out. The wood selection and placement are also excellent. However, there were many red-colored plants on the back of the left, which acted as an obstacle to perspective.

Individual comment

Alberto Farinello(Italy) 
 Most interesting I think this work is the most interesting of those submitted, I'm not a big fan of abstract compositions and a little fantasy, but I must say that the skill of the aquascaper struck me. I love the bright green that catches the eye, I like the choice of plants and I find great care of the whole tank, even the choice of fish turns out to be spot on for an aesthetic fact, they give a nice contrast. It is an aquarium that I would like to see at home to amaze guests. Well done. 

Ismael Aguilar (Spain) 
 Very good work. With a very striking hard that has reminded me in a certain way of the master Long Tran Hoang. The plantation is very healthy and I like the sensation of movement that the use of the microsorum and montecarlo conveys. Congratulations. 

Agussalim jamaluddin (Indonesia) 
Excellent technique with a good golden ratio. This is a very cool Concept and the fishes swimming very harmony. the use of fern and montecarlo plants makes this work even more pleasing to the eye and balanced. Good Job. 

Hugo Liao (Taipei) 
Although it is not the first time I have seen the radial composition, the author's level of attention and the treatment of the aquatic plants are very attentive. If the background grass on the two sides can be higher, the focus will be more concentrated. The work will be more complete. But overall it's a very good work. 

Individual comment

Selcuk Durmaz (Türkiye) 
The compatibility of materials and moss species is very good.Less preferred plant species have created a very beautiful composition with a wonderful touch. It is magnificent and natural in form. Every corner of the aquarium has been used very well. Good option for choosing gray toned fish.Thanks for your hard work. 

Ismael Aguilar (Spain) 
It is not easy to keep these mosses at bay, especially in the upper elements that suffer so much from variations in water level. I am not a big fan of weeping, in excess, with its rounded shape, it gives more of a feeling of being a well-kept garden plant than of recreating something more natural and free. But the montage transmits movement and is a sign that the author has achieved his purpose. 

Agussalim jamaluddin (Indonesia) 
This Layout Very Unique like a wind. perfect plant selection and moss is very neat. it's just that only a few layers I see. it takes several layers and depth to make it seem wider. 

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Host?  Aquascaper.

Judge?  Aquascaper.

Participant?  Aquascaper.


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